A Ruff Patch for This Puppy... Until CBD!
Many times, at the first mention of Cannabidiol/CBD, the public applies details and information to humans; people with ailments and disease, epilepsy and seizures, anxiety and depression.
What a lot of you may not know is that, since they have a functioning nervous system and liver, cannabidiol has been deemed VERY effective for dogs and other pets! Here at Emerald's Triangle, we have about as much passion about helping our furry friends as we do about our fellow two-leggers. We have opened a discussion group on Facebook called Shaman's Reach CBD Testimonials where dozens of locals and beyond share their success stories with the world! I will say it is one of my favorite parts of my job as a blogger; the very real and tangible results being shared with us.
Here is a heart warming story about a sweet pupper who was in pain and losing function until the help of Cannabidiol! He is a retired service & therapy dog, and if this sweet face and his story doesn't make your day, we don't know what will!

Mrs. Janet Archibald(owner) wrote:
"Thank you so much guys! This is my 13 y/o Goldie, had SRT 14 months ago (nasal adenocarcinoma) and his cancer is back. Trying to make him comfortable and tried carboplatin to abate symptoms with terrible results. He was fading fast, could barely walk and wouldn't eat much. We ordered the tincture and received it the next day. (Memphis area). He is much happier and more comfortable now and is eating well. He is also moving much more easily."
Speechless. We don't deserve our furry companions most days, but I am positive he was grateful for Janet's choice to give Shaman's Reach a shot.
Emerald's Triangle MMD