All about CBD
So, here you find yourself. Your friends, family, or even people you don't know have been talking about CBD.
"What is CBD? Where is CBD from? Is CBD safe? How much CBD should a person take? What is CBD reported to help with? Does CBD get you high?"
These are just a few of the many CBD related questions we receive daily.
So in this section of, we will dive in and explore all there is to know about CBD / Cannabidiol.

The chemical structure of Cannabidiol (CBD)
What is CBD?Cannabidiol, known to those who are familiar with it as CBD; is a cannabinoid found in all types and kinds of cannabis. A cannabinoid is defined as any of a group of closely related compounds that include cannabinol (CBN) and the active constituents of cannabis. Thus far, 113 different cannabinoids have been isolated. Some of these are familiar such as Cannabidiol (CBD), and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the psychoactive component of cannabis that provides the stigmatic "high", as well as some that arent as familiar, like Cannabigerol (CBG) and Cannabichromene (CBC) Cannabidiol or CBD is known to most as one of the most beneficial cannbinoids. Favored for its reported, studied, and proven positive impact on the nervous system, which is responsible for inflammation response and nerve conduction.
Where does Shaman's Reach CBD come from?As mentioned lightly in "What is CBD?" we mentioned that Cannabidiol (CBD) comes from the cannabis plant. Industrial Hemp is grown primarily for industrial uses. Uses such as textile (rope, fabric, constrution materials etc.). This special brand, if you will, of cannabis is considered to be industrial if it contains LESS than 0.3% THC total in the plant. This works out great! The good news is that Industrial Hemp contains CBD in just the same amount as many strains of medical grade/non-industrial cannabis, just without the THC. The CBD we use in our products is sourced in Kentucky, in the great United States of America! The finished products are prepared and made in Brookland, AR where they are then made available to all of you!
Is CBD safe?First things first, we aren't doctors or pharmacists. We cannot give you medical advice, nor should the following be considered as such. You'll be hard pressed to find any scholarly journal or study that labels CBD as unsafe. Thats not to say that with EXTREME usage or unimaginable amounts that CBD wouldn't have ANY undesireable effects. That being said, to date we have yet to see any negative or adverse effects of CBD. It should be noted that monitoring your health while using CBD is a good idea. Studies have shown CBD may help regulate things like blood sugar and blood pressure. So consulting with your doctor while taking CBD would be beneficial, as is being in good communication with your doctor is always recommended. Your doctor may over time want to reduce certain medications. Some studies reveal and discuss the efficacy of anti-biotics while taking CBD. The study finds that the body processes CBD in some forms via hepatic (liver) function. When taking anti-biotics, CBD and the anti-biotics in some cases tend to "wrestle" if you will, for who gets to use the liver first. Which could slightly delay the metabolism of either the anti-biotics or of the CBD. Please consult your doctor for any health related concerns before taking this product. Also talk to your pharmacist about potential drug interactions before taking this product. Our local pharmacy sells our product, which says a lot! But nothing can replace the experience and training of a qualified medical professional.
What about CBD and Drug Testing?When it comes to Cannabidiol (CBD) and drug testing; we meet an uncertainty; sort of. There are several methods of testing for illicit drugs. (Sadly, cannabis is still on that list, federally.) Urinalysis, Blood Panels, GC-MS, and the list continues. To date we have had absolutely no one fail a drug screen having taken ONLY our CBD products. We had one false positive reported which was dismissed after presenting our product to the testing agency/employer/doctor. Heres the possible way of having a "positive" test result. In general, when testing for cannabis, most tests look for the presence of THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for getting people "high"). In these tests, a person who hasnt used marijuana and has only used our CBD products, would pass said test with flying colors. The positive result would come from more rare tests that test for more cannabinoids than THC. If these tests show CBD is present, they could conclude that a person has used cannabis. A majority of tests are looking specifically for THC. We think the best course of action would be to tell your employer, testing personell, person for which you are being tested that, while they will find zero THC, if CBD is shown it is because you are taking a CBD product, which contains 0.000% THC and is completely legal in all 50 states, and provides ZERO psychoactive effects. Having said that, we cannot determine what kind of test any will be given, so we can not and do not take responcibility for any positive result for cannabis, in the unlikely case that happened.
Can CBD Benefit Me?Again, we must make it absolutely CLEAR that we are not doctors, pharmacists, or medical professionals. We believe in natural medicine, specifically the natural medicinal effects of the compounds found within cannabis. In this particular case specifically, Cannabidiol (CBD). A quick Google search with the search terms "What are the benefits of CBD?" or related question will net you a HOST of pertenent information about what and how CBD can assist in the treatment of literally HUNDREDS of things that are currently ailing man-kind. Each person's body and current state of health is vividly different and no general statement can be made as to exactly what CBD will do for any one person at any given time, nor how much one would need to take in order to acheive specific desired results. Consider cannabinoids like you would consider vitamins and minerals in the body. Person A may be SEVERLY low in Iron, but have healthy calcium levels. While Person B may have perfect Iron levels and severly depleted calcium. The same rings true for CBD. Some people's system may be in more or less dis-array that the next person. Visit the section of the site beneath these questions for all of the reported and documented things CBD has been found and/or theorized to help with and more!
Tincture? Honey? Capsules? Which one?!?!Yes. We have several means of getting your Cannabidiol (CBD) from the premium sublingual tincture, to CBD infused chocolates, and honey! Here is what we generally tell those visiting our shop. For the most part it is preference and/or convenience. Yet there are factors to take into consideration. Say I have been playing tennis and i find my elbow is achey afterwards, I would chose the salve as, I feel fine other wise and local, direct application would best benefit me. While if I had worked out and my entire body was achey as is to be expected, I would benefit more from the tincture, rather than covering myself in salve. The taste of the tincture, while not disgusting, is very bland. For some with a very sensitive pallate, the capsules may be a better idea if they cannot stomach the taste of the tincture, or if you're traveling, you may not want to chance carrying liquid. The honey, is just that. Honey, comdined with pure CBD. while it contains one of the most commonly found medicinal compounds known to the history of man (honey). It doesnt contain the special blend of herbs and spices that work with CBD that you would find in the capsules or the tincture. Deciding which way is best for you to take CBD is ultimately up to you and there is no wrong decision as far as which to go with is concerned. Feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help you decide.
The Benefits of CBD*
Studies, medical professionals, researchers, institutions, and thousands of first hand testimonies demonstrate, theorize, and prove the medicinal benefit and value of Cannabidiol (CBD)
The references, information, inferences, theories, and opinions stated hereafter do not necessarily reflect those of Shaman's Reach Inc. (Our legal team said we need to include that.)
Okay, for a quick brush up on what CBD is, look at the questions above. To get a quick primer on how CBD works; also see questions above. Now that you are at least vaguely familiar with CBD, lets get into the good stuff!
CBD is the major non-psychoactive component of Cannabis sativa. According to a 2013 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD benefits including acting in some experimental models as an anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, antiemetic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic agent, and is therefore a potential medicine for the treatment of neuroinflammation, epilepsy, oxidative injury, vomiting and nausea, anxiety and schizophrenia. (1)
Research is beginning to show that CBD is different than other well-studied cannabinoids. All cannabinoids act as ligands, meaning they dock onto the binding site of a protein and have the ability to modulate a receptor’s behavior. CB1 receptors are widely distributed, but are particularly abundant in areas of the brain, including those concerned with movement, coordination, pain and sensory perception, emotion, memory, cognition, autonomic and endocrine functions. (2)
CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system, and they seem to reduce inflammation and certain kinds of pain. Although cannabinoids all have similar structures, they display a wide array of actions at each of the different receptors.
~ Eight Benefits of CBD ~
1. May relieve pain and inflammation
Among common CBD benefits, natural pain relief tops the list for many. Evidence suggests that cannabinoids may prove useful in pain modulation by inhibiting neuronal transmission in pain pathways. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD significantly suppressed chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain in rodents without causing analgesic tolerance. Researchers suggest that CBD and other nonpsychoactive components of marijuana may represent a novel class of therapeutic agents for the treatment of chronic pain.
According to a 2007 meta-analysis conducted in Canada, the combination of CBD and THC buccal spray was found to be effective in treating neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis, which can be debilitating for 50 to 70 percent of MS patients.
2. Potential antipsychotic effects
Research shows that CBD benefits include producing antipsychotic effects. It appears to have a pharmacological profile similar to that of atypical antipsychotic drugs as seen using behavioral and neurochemical techniques in animal studies. Additionally, studies show that CBD prevents human experimental psychosis and is effective in open case reports and clinical trials in patients with Schizophrenia, with a remarkable safety profile.
3. May reduce anxiety
Studies using animal models of anxiety and involving healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. Cannabidiol has shown to reduce anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder and researchers suggest that it may also be effective for panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
A 2011 study aimed to compare the effects of a simulation public speaking test on healthy control patients and treatment-native patients with social anxiety disorder. A total of 24 never-treated patients with social anxiety disorder were given either CBD or placebo 1.5 hours before the test. Researchers found that pre-treatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alertness in anticipation of their speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort.
4. May help fight cancer
Several scientific reports demonstrate that CBD benefits include possessing antiproliferative, pro-apoptotic effects that inhibit cancer cell migration, adhesion and invasion. (5) A 2006 study published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics found for the first time that CBD potently and selectively inhibited the growth of different breast tumor cell lines and exhibited significantly less potency in non-cancer cells. (6)
In 2011, researchers added light on the cellular mechanism through which CBD induces cell death in breast cancer cells. They showed that CBD induced a concentration-dependent cell death of both oestrogen receptor-positive and oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer cells. They also found that the effective concentrations of CBD in tumor cells have little effect on non-tumorigenic, mammary cells.
CBD behaves as a non-toxic compound and studies show that doses of 700 milligrams per day for 6 weeks did not show any overt toxicity in humans, suggesting that it can be used for prolonged treatment. Not only does the research show that CBD benefits including being effective in fighting breast cancer cells, data also suggests that it can be used to inhibit the invasion of lung and colon cancer, plus it possesses anti-tumor properties in gliomas and has been used to treat Leukemia.
5. May relieve nausea
Cannabis has been used for centuries for the suppression of nausea and vomiting. Research has revealed that among more than 80 cannabinoid compounds found in marijuana, both the intoxicant THC and the non-intoxicant CBD helps to get rid of nausea and vomiting in animal studies. A 2012 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that CBD benefits including possessing anti-nausea and antiemetic effects when it was administered to rats. (9) Researchers found that CBD acts in a diphasic manner, meaning that in low doses it suppresses toxin-induced vomiting, but in high doses it increases nausea or has no effect.
6. May treat seizures and other neurological disorders
A 2014 survey conducted by researchers at Stanford University was presented to parents belonging to a Facebook group dedicated to sharing information about the use of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis to treat their child’s seizures. Nineteen responses met the inclusion criteria for the study: a diagnosis of epilepsy and current use of CBD-enriched cannabis. The average number of anti-epileptic drugs tried before using CBD cannabis was 12. Sixteen (84 percent) of the 19 parents reported a reduction in their child’s seizure frequency while taking CBD cannabis. Of these, two (11 percent) reported complete seizure freedom, eight (42 percent) reported a greater than 80 percent reduction in seizure frequency, and six (32 percent) reported a 25–60 percent seizure reduction. Other beneficial effects included increased alertness, better mood and improved sleep; while side effects included drowsiness and fatigue.
Later in 2014, researchers reported on preliminary results of a study involving children with treatment-resistant epilepsies in an expanded access “compassionate use program.” Patients received a purified 98 percent oil-based CBD extract called Epidiolex, which is made by GW Pharmaceuticals. After 3 months of treatment, 39 percent of the 23 patients had more than a 50 percent reduction in seizures, with a 32 percent median reduction. These preliminary results support the animal studies and survey reports that CBD may be a promising treatment for treatment-resistant epilepsy and it is generally well-tolerated in doses up to 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
7. May lower incidences of diabetes
A 2006 study found that CBD treatment significantly reduced the incidence of diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice from an incidence of 86 percent in non-treated mice to an incidence of 30 percent in CBD-treated mice. CBD benefits also showed a significant reduction of plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. A histological examination of the pancreatic islets of the CBD-treated mice revealed significantly reduced insulitis. (12)
In 2013, the American Journal of Medicine published a study that highlighted the impact of marijuana use on glucose, insulin and insulin resistance among U.S. adults. The study included 4,657 adult men and women from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey from 2005 to 2010. Of the participants, 579 were current marijuana users and 1,975 were past users. The researchers found that current marijuana use was associated with 16 percent lower fasting insulin levels. They also found significant associations between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences, a factor connected to the onset of diabetes symptoms.
8. May promote cardiovascular health
A 2013 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology reports that CBD protects against the vascular damage caused by a high glucose environment, inflammation or the induction of type 2 diabetes in animal models; plus, CBD proved to reduce the vascular hyper-permeability (which causes leaky gut) associated with such environments.
(Our legal team also had us place the word "May" in front of each benefit. Why? Because even with all these studies, most of which from the governments own website, The FDA, the "eye of sauron" of the medicine world if you will, is always watching, waiting for a mis-guided word to use as a weapon against any who would make a false claim. So we are just covering our hineys.)