CBD vs A Custody Battle?
The only CBD that is federally legal is any that is 0.3% or less THC by volume. Distributors can not legally sell online to all 50 states unless the CBD product reaches those guidelines. Let's make sure we're clear on that.
In the rare case that you aren't properly advised about your CBD intake, it is possible to perk a positive test for THC, even if your product reaches the 0.3% THC or less guideline.
A friend of ours reached out, DESPERATELY, in search of answers. A fingernail drug test resulted with a (barely) positive amount of THC. Every other lab result came back normal - meaning every other method of testing; urine, blood, hair follicle, was NEGATIVE.
While this case is still open, we will refrain from disclosing names for her safety. Her story begins here:
"So just to keep it short, and not drag in all my drama, I use to smoke when I was married (he did too). He found out that he could use it against me, once we were separated, and he did. My baby was taken from me at 3 months old. I fought in court and got him back, thank God. I had to battle my anxiety somehow - because God knows anxiety would alter my potential as a mom, personally speaking, much more than anything natural available to me. CBD oil changed my life. It changed my life, helped me sleep, ,and relieved my anxiety. Then, about 5 months ago, I had to take a drug test - 10 panel fingernail test and FAILED for THC. I haven't smoked, Haylie! I don't know what else could cause this besides the 4000 mg tincture I was taking. Everyone is telling me it absolutely can NOT happen.
Baffled, I went to take a hair, blood, and urine test and passed them all. I was trying to get the lab to explain to me how this is possible, but they wouldn't speak on it. The failed THC test on the fingernail result was extremely low. Barely over the "cut off" line. So here i am, I've lost my child over a natural remedy that helps me! While there are parents out there abusing prescription medication because they can receive it legally! And they legitimately put their kids in harms way, who still have full custody of their kids. I don't get it. I never knew my son could be taken because of CBD - something well within the federal guidelines according to the labs presented on the product I bought.
And, really... DHS or anyone government related wouldn't take him because of this! But you throw in a mad ex with some money and BOOM. They find a way to use it against you. It is completely backwards."

I asked her how much she had been taking daily, and she wrote, "3-6 times a day" Which was about triple of the the "suggested" daily amount. However, when you don't suspect it is an issue, you are going to take what works for you! Which is what we advise when we distribute our own product here at Emerald's. Our products are not full spectrum and contain no THC at all, unless you are purchasing the OG Doobies - which do meet the requirements, by the way.
This is not an attempt to slap her on the wrist, or the company even. The company she purchased from was online, and a completely legitimate and well-intentioned organization. Of course, we did our research. ;) They have even offered to help her clear the air as far as the test results go, and vouch for her.
But here is the lesson - When you purchase CBD products, be sure and dig a little. You'll be surprised the difference it will make. When you are taking a product almost triple the amount that is advised, and the THC by volume is 0.28% (slightly below the maximum legal amount), this does accumulate over months and months of consumption! If there is any reason you should be worried about a drug test, or possible life altering consequences, your best bet is to be hyper-aware of what you're taking, and maybe test out THC-free CBD first, and possibly titrate up from there. Please be mindful of where you absorb your information! We are always here to chat and provide as much insight as we possibly can. And if we don't have the answer for ya, well... we will absolutely find it for you!
Emerald's Triangle.