A Story for Cancer VS Cannabis Skeptics
At Emerald's Triangle, LLC, we are a staff built on integrity and grit. We are 100% convinced that the endocannabinoid system is most effective and responsive to just that - cannabinoids. Our late night research and funds tossed into said research has only confirmed our hypothesis and in turn, brought so much passion into this line of work for everyone. Our goal is this: Reach the public with information regarding CBD/Cannabis and the power of feeding the endocannabinoid system we were all born with. Educate and empower those who otherwise would not have access to these things. Whether they purchase OUR product or not, it lights a spark in our hearts when we hear of remarkable results brought about by cannabis or hemp use. This is our baby. We eat, sleep, and breathe CBD and supporting our fellow humans (and non-humans alike!) with humility and compassion. The Thorpe family was faced with a monster bigger than they could've dreamed. The C-word always takes our breath and stirs around our hopes and dreams. Cancer has robbed too many. But this story is chill-worthy and has such a powerful underline that we couldn't HELP but share it. Disclaimer: We did not provide this family with our products here at Emerald's. This is just a remarkable testimonial we stumbled upon and would be doing the world an injustice by not shedding light on it and yelling it from our figurative rooftops! Sam Thorpe shared this, as follows onto his Facebook Page. He gives all the credit where it is due. Flow Kana, keep on keeping on! You're doing the good work.

"And just like that, Leslie is completely cancer free. I think I have an incredible story to share. Only a few months ago, Leslie was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The cancer was in both breasts, lymph nodes, hip, spine and her bones. We were told she only had a few years to live, and that she would need to undergo chemotherapy every three weeks for the rest of her life. Our family was devastated. Incredibly and at the time unaware of this, I had also just taken a job at Flow Kana, a medical cannabis company. The team and farmers there immediately rallied around us. They told us of treatment options we might not be aware. This meant using cannabis not just to support appetite or for pain relief from chemotherapy, but as an oil extract to actually fight cancer. And, if used in conjunction with chemotherapy it would be incredibly powerful. We felt that we had no options but to try this. Five months later, today in fact, we received word that the cancer is completely gone from her body. The doctors at Stanford have never seen anything like this, and Leslie has now achieved what they refer to as a "complete response." We're stunned. There aren't words big enough to begin to thank the team and community that is Flow Kana, the team at Stanford Medical Center, our angel farmer Katie Jeane and her beautiful farm Emerald Spirit Botanicals (and all the farmers!), and of course our incredible family and friends. I am so proud of Leslie. We both feel so strongly about the work being done at Flow Kana and how critical it is to truly shine a light on the incredible medical power of cannabis. This has been the wildest, dramatic journey imaginable. Note the picture being held by Aunt Zelda's CEO Mara Gordon is a Spanish researcher's original Polaroids from her actual experiment which showed THC can kill cancer cells through the triggering of apoptosis (natural programmed cell death), and now a prized possession of Mara's. And, no, we have no idea why her hair didn't fall out during chemotherapy. Lastly, I love you Les."

We are wiping our tears with you, we promise. This is the NEWS we live for. These are the results that will forever linger in the hearts of those who believe in our vision, and quite obviously the vision of Flow Kana. There are so many other dispensaries and medical cannabis companies across the country holding onto the same dream: to spread the light that is healing and doing it naturally. Who knew NATURAL could be SO powerful?! Who knew that the grounds of this very earth we take for granted could defeat the monstrous C-Word?! This is what it's all about, folks.
Emerald's Triangle LLC
Sources: Facebook - Sam Thorpe (author)
Pics: thehigherpath.com