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Serve Your Mental

I use to obsess over my appearance. Not in an arrogant way, I don't think. I just couldn't help but over check how I looked before I walked out the door. Hair in place, something slimming, makeup in full blown mode. I had to be prepared to see people, and for people to see me. I couldn't handle the thought of NO MAKEUP or a single hair out of place. My mental energy all went into the physical. Why does this happen? I didn't see myself as ugly or just terrible looking without these things. It was all about others' perception. And had anyone ever said I looked like the walking dead without makeup? Hell no. So this ideal was all just an anxious figment of my imagination, being a woman under certain societal standards. Don't worry, this post isn't all gIrL pOwEr, I know dudes struggle with their mental as well.

I held onto this until I truly found a deeper meaning; a better understanding of the mind, the world, and what is expected of me. Expectations - they can be the root of so many infuriated hearts, or they can motivate us. For me, expectations sent me into my passion. I understood what was expected of me - a college education, picture perfect marriage, keeping quiet and quaint, being the ideal Christian and not disappointing others or challenging the men around me. And then I did the dang near exact opposite. And here I am - in my dream career. Surrounded by positivity and forgiveness.

But I still find that my mind slips and alters into certain insecurities that send me into a full blown anxiety attack. Anxiety was never really something I battled with until after the death of our Dad. Being out of control just jerked my tail into a million knots.

This is not a pitty party or a long, drawn out monologue to push an agenda. No, this is the truth and how I came to be IN LOVE with this company, and how our products changed everything. I was barely eating, sleeping, engaging.

Fast forward to about a year. I take a honey shot daily, on top of a tincture regimen. And then our 1000 mg salve as needed for nerve pain and eczema. But let me tell you, there is nothing more powerful than the mental benefits CBD can provide. I feel that prick of anxiety and uncertainty start to take more of a toll than it should - grab a honey shot, absorb one half in the cheek for at least 30 seconds, then the other half. Within 15 minutes I am calm, collected, and motivated. It is a 100% organic response, though. It is not like taking a pill, or other synthetic compound to make you "feel" a certain way. Our bodies literally crave cannabinoids to level things out. Things as in nerve impulses, imbalances in the brain that cause anxiety, panic attacks, seizures, and helps retain the things that prevent it.

Our minds are so much more powerful than I could ever speak or write about. My challenge to you guys this year is,


If you are crippled with anxiety or the dark thoughts that circle your head at night, and you feel completely out of control, don't call it good. Don't accept it and move on. Be pro active in taking your life back. And you will be SHOCKED at the difference thinking clearly and positively will make in your day-to-day.

(I know it's not an overnight thing. Battling anxiety is not easy. Making permanent change is not quick. It isn't about what you want the soonest, it is about what you want MOST. The rest will follow.)

All we want is for our people, our community, to find the relief we have discovered. We want you to have access to the very best.

Sorry(not sorry) for steady preachin'.

All in love, promise.


Emerald's Triangle LLC


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