What They Say About Medical Cannabis & Autism
Below is an article giving testament and research agendas for the cause of Autistic kids in the world. We never expect that these cases surround us daily, but Autism is not always something that is readily gauged by the naked eye. It is all the more challenging for families everywhere.
Having a child with a disability or medical condition who doesn't respond well to treatment can be frustrating and heartbreaking. Parents want their kids to be happy, healthy, and safe, but sometimes, it's not that easy to find the answers. That's why some parents are using medical marijuana to treat their kids' autism, but does it work? Is it safe? And is it even legal? Unfortunately, right now, only one of those questions has a clear answer. Research is ongoing, though, so we might have more evidence on the efficacy and safety of such treatments soon.
Some researchers believe that autism might be caused by a gene mutation that blocks the natural production of endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that regulate a variety of physiological and cognitive processes, according to Mom.Me. The theory is that medical marijuana or hemp oil, which contain cannabinol (also known as CBD) and tetra hydro cannabinol (THC) might help patient's brains to pick up the slack. But marijuana is still largely thought of as a recreational drug, first and foremost, and the stigma attached to that might understandably make some people uncomfortable with the idea of administering it to children. So is this legit, or just another snake-oil fad that preys on desperate parents who have already tried every medicine, therapy, and diet without successful results?
The internet is full of anecdotal evidence that it works for some kids, but anecdotes are stories, not science. "I made my autistic son cannabis cookies. They saved him," reads the headline of one such account in the Washington Post. Marie Myung-Ok Lee describes being "desperate and frantic" to help her 9-year-old son, who was "consumed by violent rages" as often as 300 times per day since he was 18 months old. She was, as one would expect, apprehensive about medical marijuana, but heartened by the fact that it's one of the few non-lethal substances on earth.
After experimenting with different strains, Lee wrote, her son's outbursts "became less ferocious and less frequent." Some had side affects most readers will be familiar with (red eyes, lethargy), but eventually, she found one that worked, and her son now receives his cannabis via an oil tincture several times a day. Therapy and traditional medicine didn't help, but Lee believes that marijuana did. Still, she's nervous about getting in trouble with the law or social services, because not everyone agrees that pot is a valid medicine.
Dr. Daniel Coury, chief of developmental-behavioral pediatrics at Nationwide Children's Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio and medical director of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network explains the difference between recreational and medical marijuana use: "Hemp and marijuana both belong to the Cannabis plant genus. Hemp differs in that it has very little tetra hydro cannabinol, or THC, and higher amounts of cannabidiol, or CBD. High amounts of THC are associated with marijuana's well-known euphoria. CBD is not. Proponents of hemp oil treatment say that users don't feel stoned." So if you like the idea of the medical benefits of marijuana, but not the idea of getting high (or getting a child high), there is a happy medium, it seems.
We know if you are reading this, and you happen to have a child or family member living through Autism and it's often-times frustrating symptoms, this is a glimer of hope. And here at Emerald's Triangle, we are PUSHING and WORKING and FIGHTING for parents like you. It is insane how much medical marijuana has, and WILL impact our world, and those around us. Thanks for being on board with our notion, and supporting us as we move forward.
All the love,
Emerald's Triangle LLC
Shaman's Reach Inc.
Sources: www.romper.com - Jenn Rose 12.22.2017